21. März 2013

Lost in social media?

Are you are power networker using all upcoming apps and services as beta user trying to find out if it will be useful to you? Why should you do that? I don't know, but I can tell you why I am doing exactly this!

I am using several services to get information, to follow people, to get into contact with others. The main reason for me is curiosity. So, I really liked by foursquare badge I got when visiting the computer history museum in Mountain View, California the other day.

But there is another reason why I am doing this. I believe that transparency because of using many services and link them together will lead to better understanding of each other and to a better world in a long run.

The third reason why I am using many apps and services is because I try with my startups to come up with something new. This means I have to know what is already there.

So, I am using many apps and services since many months. Because I am using keepass for all of my passwords I know that I am registered at about 2800 sites. And thanks to Facebook I found out that over time I have connected 450 apps to my facebook account. Because there is a trend to interconnect apps and services there are more and more APIs and mashups. To get an impression you should look at ProgrammableWeb.

So, you and many others out there are helping me to not get lost in social media. You give feedback whenever something went wrong. Thx for sharing!

12. März 2013

What is Innovation?

The question seems clear, the answer is not.

Is Innovation a extrapolation of what we already know? Something that is better, higher, lower, reduced or enriched?

Is Innovation something I can learn?

Who understands that an Innovation is an Innovation?

When everybody understands the Innovation, can you still call it an Innovation?

If only the Innovator understands his / her Innovation, what then?

What is the difference between Innovation, Invention, Creation?

Crowdfunding 101

Tonight I was in an workshop with Ian MacKenzie at Parisoma in San Francisco. Ian was brilliant in going through thoughts, actions, and critical success factors pre launching, during launch and post launch a crowd funding campaign. If you are interested in crowdfunding check out this picture und get into contact with ian.

 Owly Images

If you want to check out different crowdfunding platforms, go to ian's list!

6. März 2013

xScited in silicon valley

+Josef Schodl and I had a fantastic first week in silicon valley. We have an appartment in sunnyvale thanks to everbill, meetings and discussions with interesting people. With skype our team in austria and buenos aires is connected working in a 24 hour mode hard to get xScited out of the box. We learned from blackbox and the launch event how to focus more on xScited's value proposition, how to work on an awesome user experience, how to design our entry strategy. We will incorporate soon here in US to have our headquarter here. This will be the second of my startups to go to US after wappwolf with the iBeam service. So, stay tuned and spread the word!
